Ann Eubank: Governor Robert Bentley and the Twilight Zone.

Photo Credit: Ann Eubank

This legislative session I have, as a Tea Party Republican and an Alabama Legislative Watchdog, made several comments about the alternate reality of Montgomery; the feeling that I had “crossed into the Twilight Zone.” However, this time there are absolutely no words to describe my astonishment after reading Governor Robert Bentley’s comment, “…we’ve got too many Republicans in Montgomery.”


This statement should send earthquake size shock waves through the citizens of Alabama; from the grassroots/tea party level up to the most moderate of republicans. Voters should be appalled that our elected Republican governor has suddenly failed to remember that he himself is a Republican.

Governor Bentley has become the epitome of a “Republican in Name Only.” (RINO) Now I know that we don’t like to use that word in polite political circles, but in this case, conceivably, it is applicable. How many Republican governors do you know that have as their chief of staff a Democrat? Governor Bentley does. How many republican governors do you know that want to raise $500 million dollars in revenue by taxing the people? Governor Bentley does. How many republican governors do you know that think “there are too many republican lawmakers in their state houses? Governor Bentley does. He acts like a liberal democrat and sounds like a liberal democrat. In my view, deceptively, Alabama now has an unelected democrat as Governor.

So, perhaps the good doctor should examine himself. There has to be a medical reason for this sudden loss of memory. Or maybe he is right – there is at least one republican too many in Montgomery. Perhaps he needs to return to the party from whence he came, and the republicans in Montgomery should continue to stand and deliver on what we the people of Alabama were promised when we elected republicans to a super majority.

Ann Eubank is the statewide co-chair of Rainy Day Patriots, and the legislative chair of the Alabama Legislative Watchdogs. Ann is a frequent visitor of the Statehouse and has bridged the gap between strong advocate and respected resource for members. She is also a member of the Alabamians United for Excellence in Education Taskforce and several other Stop Common Core groups.


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