Personnel update: Tommy Tuberville aide Jordan Mills named Senior Director of Government Relations for Williams & Jensen law firm

Jordan Mills, Regional Director for Senator Tommy Tuberville, has been named Senior Director of Government Relations for D.C.-based law firm Williams & Jensen. The law firm focuses on federal lobbying.

“I am thrilled to welcome Jordan to our firm,” said Susan Hirschmann, Chairman and CEO of Williams & Jensen. “After working successfully with Senator Tuberville, he brings a wealth of knowledge and deep relationships to the Williams & Jensen team. Alabama has always been my home, and I look forward to expanding our firm’s work in the state. Jordan will play a major role in that endeavor.”

Jordan most recently managed relationships in East Alabama for Sen. Tuberville. Jordan contributed to regional economic development efforts and guided local leaders through the annual federal appropriations process. He developed lasting relationships with policymakers in Washington and elected officials across Alabama.

“Jordan has been a strong representative of mine, and we’ll miss him. Fortunately, he’ll still be advocating for the people of Alabama, and I’m confident he’ll be successful in whatever he pursues,” said Tuberville.

In a release announcing Jordan’s hire Tubberville said, “It was incredibly important to assemble a robust, knowledgeable team with strong Alabama roots, and I am confident the team constructed we have will serve the people of Alabama well. My team understands that the government works for the people, not the other way around. We’re here to help.”

The release went on to describe Jordan’s background saying, “Jordan Mills will serve as Auburn Regional Director. Mills was born and raised in Montgomery, AL. After high school he received a scholarship to play baseball at Lurleen B Wallace in Andalusia, AL. After finishing his career at LBW Jordan attended Troy University at Montgomery. Jordan found a passion for entrepreneurship at the age of 21 when he helped start the first of 3 businesses. He now lives in Auburn, AL. with his wife Riki of 16 years and their 3 children.”

Prior to joining the Senator’s staff, Jordan helped start multiple small businesses in the state. The Montgomery native currently lives in Auburn with his wife and their three children.

“Serving on Senator Tuberville’s team has been the honor of a lifetime,” said Jordan. “I look forward to continuing my work to help make Alabama the best it can be in my new role as I advise Alabama companies and public entities on the federal appropriations process and how to most effectively engage with Washington leaders. Williams & Jensen’s reputation speaks for itself, and I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of such a highly regarded firm.”

Williams & Jensen is one of the top lobbying firms for the past 25 years, with a clientele of leading companies, trade associations, and institutions.

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