Military bases could receive more than $337M for construction projects

Alabama military bases could receive $337.65 million under the Department of Defense’s funding bill passed by the U.S. Senate this week.

The Senate’s version of the National Defense Authorization Act passed Thursday on an 86-11 vote, setting up a possible showdown with the House, which passed its version on July 14. The two sides must settle differences in conference before the $886 billion bill can go to President Joe Biden for a possible signature.

The biggest proposed outlay is $197 million for new construction at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, which is the Army’s primary center for research, development, and doctrine for its missiles. Redstone would receive more than $77 million for a new ground test facility.

Montgomery’s Maxwell Air Force Base, home of the Air Force’s officer training school, post-graduate Air University, and a training squadron for the MH-139 Grey Wolf helicopter, would receive $65 million to build new base housing. 

Senate appropriators plan to allocate $57 million to build a new Army reserve center in Birmingham.

Montgomery’s Dannelly Field will receive $7 million in facility upgrades to prepare for the 187th Fighter Wing’s conversion from the now-departed F-16 to the F-35, the first of which arrive in December. Fort McClellan, which is located near Bynum, will receive $7 million to build a new enlisted barracks for the Alabama National Guard. 

Republished with the permission of The Center Square.

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