Jefferson County GOP demands answers from Kay Ivey on the appointment of a democrat to critical probate seat

Kay Ivey has made a new appointment to replace former Jefferson County Probate Judge Alan King, Jim Naftel. The Jefferson County Republican Party is not happy about it, and they are demanding answers on how she came to her decision. As Alabama Today reported on June 22, Paul DeMarco, chairman of that same Jefferson County Republican Party, drafted a letter to Ivey saying that, “it is imperative that you appoint a strong, qualified Republican with knowledge of the election process to this position.”  In the most recent letter, DeMarco, with the likes of Jefferson County Republican leaders such as State Senator Jabo Waggoner, State Representative Jim Carns, and County Commissioner Jimmie Stephens, takes issue with Ivey’s appointing of Jim Naftel. The letter’s first complaint is that Naftel has voted in several Democratic primaries in recent years. A review of James (Jim) Naftel’s voter history by Alabama Today confirms this point. He voted in the 2018 Democratic primary and the 2020 Democratic Primary. He voted in the 2017 Special Republican Primary for U.S. Senate.  According to Yellowhammer News, “Naftel advised that he has not made a decision on whether he will seek election to this office after the appointment term expires, however Naftel added that he would run as a Republican if he did run.” Alabama Today asked party leaders what the process is for someone with an inconsistent voting record and was advised that upon filing, if a complaint is made against a candidate with the party, then a board would consider the facts of the case, including the candidates voting history.  Jim Naftel’s Voting History* Election Party 2020 Primary Democrat 2018 Primary Democrat 2017 Primary Republican *Data Source: AL Secretary of State’s Office, Elections Division The second complaint by Jefferson County leaders is a question on Naftel’s experience in election administration. This point is particularly noteworthy because the Probate Judge Place 1 has jurisdiction over elections in the county. The letter quotes Secretary of State John Merrill, who said in a previous Alabama Today story, “The probate judge has a significant level of influence. I cannot emphasize how important it is that this person is involved, interested, and informed on all things related to elections.” Their third complaint is that Ivey did not go with the County GOP’s recommendation for who that new Probate Judge should be. The letter states of their recommendation, “This Republican had been recommended and mentored by a former ALGOP General Counsel who you personally hired to be your legal counsel during your last campaign. This choice was clearly experienced in the elections area of the Probate position and was best prepared to serve as our chief elections officer.” The letter does not say who that person is.  You may read the letter in its entirety below.