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Tag: Amy Coney Barrett

Dr. Brian S. Christine: A nation on the verge of a...

In this “through the looking glass” election cycle, when the topic of health-care is brought up the conversation defaults to Covid-19... mask...

Casey Mattox: Senator Doug Jones is wrong to oppose Amy Coney...

The nation recently mourned the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And as is his responsibility under the Constitution, the...

Doug Jones says Tommy Tuberville’s charity filings raise questions

U.S. Sen. Doug Jones on Wednesday criticized Republican challenger Tommy Tuberville’s financial record after reports emerged that the former college football coach’s...

Tommy Tuberville: Doug Jones does disservice to Alabamians with his opposition...

By Coach Tommy Tuberville My father, Charles, served in the U.S. Army, so I often heard the joke about the young recruit who...

Donald Trump claims he’s free of virus, ready for campaign trail

President Donald Trump on Sunday declared he was ready to return to the campaign trail despite unanswered questions about his health on the eve...

Senators weigh COVID risk for Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court hearing

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett vows to be a justice “fearless of criticism” as the split Senate charges ahead with confirmation hearings...

Donald Trump halts COVID-19 relief talks until after election

Trump tweeted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was “not negotiating in good faith.”

Mike Pence takes lead role in campaign with Donald Trump travel...

“I spoke to the president a little while back. He sounded great,” Pence told reporters at Joint Base Andrews before heading west to Utah for this week’s vice presidential debate.

Donald Trump, first lady positive for virus; he has ‘mild symptoms’

The White House physician said the president was expected to continue carrying out his duties “without disruption” while recovering.

Bradley Byrne: A new Supreme Court Justice

Bradley Byrne outlines his reasons for supporting President Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett.



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