Bryan Newell is running for Congress in Alabama’s Third Congressional District

Bryan Newell qualified with the Alabama Republican Party last week to run in Alabama’s Third Congressional District, challenging incumbent Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL03). Newell served five years in the U.S. Army Infantry. After five years, he was discharged and went to college. After  9/11, Newell reenlisted and deployed multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan. In his military career, he served as a drill Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, Aviation Maintenance Supervisor, Battalion Flight Operations NCOIC, Battalion S3 Future Operations NCOIC, Brigade SPO Forward Aviation Liaison, and Aviation Senior Instructor. After retiring, he returned to Alabama to care for his aging parents. Newell said he was shocked as he watched his country go to waste. He had complained enough about his elected officials sitting on their hands as the country crumbled beneath their feet. It was “time to put up or shut up.” He believes that serving in Congress is a dream that God has placed in his head. Newell has been married to his wife Lourdes for 20 years, and they have three children and two grandchildren. “It’s amazing how some elected officials get elected and a few terms later they are multimillionaires, and yet they can’t balance the budget or fix the deficit,” Newell said. “They say it’s from sound investments. In the real world, they call it insider trading. Ask Martha Stewart. That’s why I support the Pelosi Act or any bill preventing elected leaders from owning securities and investments.” Newell said that he favored listing drug cartels as terrorist organizations. “Over 100,000 people have died from the drugs pouring across the border,” Newell said. “The trafficking of children in the sex trade. Cartel coyotes escorting immigrants across the border for over $6000 a person. Children walking carrying a bag of day-after pills because she knows she will be raped along the way. These cartels should be destroyed, but until then, we should seize their assets and find and shut down money laundering operations. We should lock them down so tight that the cartels would be applying for asylum and food stamps. It was reported in 2018 that the cash-rich cartels are believed by the Mexican government to generate well over $21 billion each year. What do you think it’s up to now?” Newell continued, “We have a house full of career establishment politicians with no teamwork experience, no leadership experience, and no passion for developing solutions for the problems that arise on their watch. They sit up there 20, 30, 40, 50 years, running on problems they help create year after year. I’m tired of our so-called representatives acting as if they are the royalty and we are the peasants. I want term limits. Six terms for Congress, two terms for Senate.” Newell said that he opposes gun control. “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people,” Newell said. “Over 46,000 people died in the United States last year due to vehicle accidents. You don’t see the government trying to ban vehicle manufacturing.” “When I’m elected, I will have a weekly open Zoom conference call from 6 pm to 8 pm one night of the week where anyone can walk into my local Alabama office and talk to me one-on-one and explain their problem and see what I can do for them,” Newell said. “That is what I call being your voice in Congress. Our country declared its independence and went to war over taxation without representation. What do you have right now? Your voice in Congress. It’s a horrible thing to waste.” Newell said that he opposes biological men being allowed to play in women’s sports. “What happened to Title 9? What happened to allow girls to participate in sports, get scholarships, attempt the Olympics, and attempt greatness? Allowing biological men in women’s sports is a slap in the face to all women,” Newell said. “20 years ago, we were disgusted to find out 31 countries practicing female genital mutilation on the news. We wanted these countries to stop. Most were religious reasons; some were traditions. Either reason, it was horrible. Today, we have the same thing here. Not because of religion or tradition but because of social issues. Why did transgender spike in GEN-Z in America and not so much in other countries? Why is it mostly men who are transgender?” The major party primaries are on March 5. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email