Dale Strong begins building congressional staff

On Monday, newly elected Congressman Dale Strong announced two senior staff appointments. The Yellowhammer News reported that Strong has hired veteran congressional staffer Payne Griffin and Yellowhammer News editor Dylan Smith to serve on his congressional staff. Payne Griffin is a former Sen. Jeff Sessions staffer. He has served in policy roles since 2014 in Congress and, with President Donald Trump’s administration, will serve as Strong’s chief of staff. “I am thrilled to have Payne Griffin leading my team in Washington,” said Strong. “His experience on Capitol Hill and in the Trump administration will be invaluable as I assemble my staff and work to protect and grow north Alabama.” Dylan Smith has been named as Strong’s district director. “Dylan Smith is one of our great young conservative leaders and, through his work in the media, he understands the issues that drive our local economies and affect north Alabama families,” said Strong. “I want my district staff to be proactive, and team with local leaders and businesses to help our communities achieve their full potential, and Dylan is the right guy to lead that effort.” Griffin most recently served as the deputy legislative director for U.S. Sen. Mike Braun. Prior to that, he was the deputy chief of staff at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative during the Trump administration. Griffin worked for Sessions on trade policy and other economic issues. He has also previously worked for former Congressman Spencer Bachus and Rep. Mike Rogers. Prior to his joining the Yellowhammer News, Smith was the chairman of the Mountain Lakes Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Smith also sat on the former Jackson County Health Care Authority Board of Directors. Smith was the founding managing editor of the Jackson Blaze and a contributor to The Daily Caller. Smith served as vice chair of the Jackson County Republican Executive Committee, chairman of the Young Republicans of Northeast Alabama, and as a member of the Alabama Republican Party State Executive Committee. Dale Strong was recently elected to Congress, representing Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District. Strong is the longtime chairman of the Madison County Commission. CD5 was an open seat due to incumbent Congressman Mo Brooks’ decision to run for U.S. Senate – where he was defeated in the Republican primary runoff by Katie Britt, who ultimately won the Senate Seat. To connect with the author of this story, or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Mac McCutcheon endorses Jeremy Oden and Chip Beeker for Public Service Commissioner

Mac McCutcheon

Alabama House Speaker Mac McCutcheon announced endorsements for Jeremy Oden and Chip Beeker for Public Service Commissioner. McCutcheon, a retired law enforcement officer, explained that keeping Beeker and Oden on the Public Service Commission will ensure Alabamians have a conservative voice on the state level. McCutcheon emphasized the need to have leaders who will “push back on the Biden Administration’s radical, liberal anti-energy agenda.” According to Alabama Secretary of State campaign finance records, radical “environmental justice” activists have selected their preferred “Republican” primary candidates, Robin Litaker and Brent Woodall, for the Public Service Commission. As first reported by Dylan Smith of Yellowhammer News, both candidates have taken large sums of money from Nelson Brooke of Black Warrior Riverkeeper. Brooke has made a total of $73,000 in contributions to Alabama candidates, all of the money going to democrats except three contributions: $20,000 to Litaker this cycle, $10,000 to her in her last race, and $10,000 to Woodall. “Alabama has the most conservative Public Service Commission in the nation, and we need to keep it that way,” said McCutcheon. “That’s why I’m proudly voting for conservative fighters Jeremy Oden and Chip Beeker on June 21. This is a critical election for Alabama’s future, and we need to get everyone out to the polls to keep the PSC conservative. We cannot allow the radical Left to buy a Republican primary in our state. Chip Beeker and Jeremy Oden will fight PresidentBiden’s ‘America Last’ Green New Deal agenda, and they’ll defend our jobs, small businesses, farmers, and values.” McCutcheon concluded, “Jeremy Oden and Chip Beeker support affordable, reliable, and secure energy for hardworking Alabama families. I am proud to endorse them and urge Alabamians to vote to keep the Alabama Public Service Commission conservative.” The Republican primary runoff is June 21.

Will Ainsworth announces Public Service Commissioners endorsements for Chip Beeker and Jeremy Oden

Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth announced his endorsement of Chip Beeker and Jeremy Oden for their reelection bids to the Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC). Ainsworth believes that conservative leaders should hold these seats because the two incumbents have already successfully shielded Alabama from the far left climate agenda. According to Alabama Secretary of State campaign finance records, radical “environmental justice” activists are once again pushing their agenda in Alabama. They have selected their preferred “Republican” primary candidates Robin Litaker and Brent Woodall for the Public Service Commission, Alabama Today reported in May. As first reported by Dylan Smith of Yellowhammer News, both candidates have taken large sums of money from Nelson Brooke, of Black Warrior Riverkeeper. Brooke has made a total of $73,000 in contributions to Alabama candidates all of the money going to democrats except three contributions: $20,000 to Litaker this cycle, $10,000 to her in her last race, and $10,000 to Woodall. Ainsworth asserted that the left’s “Green New Deal” would have consequences for Alabama. “Chip Beeker and Jeremy Oden have shown they have the grit, tenacity, and leadership to fight Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the rest of the Washington liberals who are pushing radical energy policies and the snake oil promises of the Green New Deal,” Ainsworth stated. “If the liberal Democrat extremists are allowed to win, energy prices will skyrocket, jobs will disappear, and Alabama’s economy, which is currently the best in our history, will go into freefall.” “Commissioners Beeker and Oden will preserve our jobs and protect our Alabama way of life from the left-wing radicals and their dangerous agenda. They have my full confidence and strong endorsement for a new term on the Public Service Commission,” concluded Ainsworth. The runoff election will take place on June 21.