Garlan Grudger’s family provides updates after he was airlifted to UAB Hospital following an accident on Smith Lake

State Senator Garlan Grudger was airlifted to UAB Hospital in Birmingham on Thursday, the Fourth of July after sustaining injuries in a jet ski accident on Smith Lake. A statement from his office said “While at UAB, he underwent a brief surgical procedure to address internal bleeding and incurred other injuries that doctors are monitoring. The two-term senator is currently in the Intensive Care Unit following his surgery, but his physicians indicate that the prognosis for his recovery is good.” According to the statement, Grudger’s wife, Heather Grudger said, “From the first responders who were quickly on the scene to the members of the helicopter airlift unit to the doctors and nurses at UAB and everyone else who assisted during this accident, we offer our deepest thanks and recognition that each of them kept a difficult situation from being even worse. To those across the state who have reached out and lifted up our family with their prayers of mending and comfort, we feel your support and know that God holds Garlan in his healing hands. Everyone who knows Garlan is aware that he is a strong, tough, and energetic man who will recover from these injuries and continue serving the citizens of his district while promoting the conservative Alabama values that so many of us hold close.” Dot Grudger posted a statement Friday morning saying, “I just wanted to give an update on Garlan and to tell all of you thank you so much for reaching out to our family. It is wonderful to have praying Christian friends who care about you. I just spoke to his doctor and he is doing remarkably well considering that he was run over by a JetSki!! things that could have happened did not and he is in lots of pain, but I suppose that’s to be expected considering the circumstances. He had surgery on his spleen and the artery to the spleen. He has broken ribs and chipped vertebrae. All of this is causing much pain, especially in his back. They are going to get him up today for Walking and I dread that for him so please pray because it’s going to be very painful. Again, thank all of you and continue to pray for us because that’s what we need right now more than anything.”