Steve Flowers: Summer Political Happenings

Steve Flowers

As the long, hot summer ends and Labor Day approaches, let’s take a look back at what occurred over the last three summer months politically. First of all, it was one of the hottest summers on record. Temperatures soared into the hundreds as early as late June. On one of those late June days, one of the hottest political events of the year occurred. The annual Tomato Sandwich Lunch event hosted by Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Rick Pate was the biggest yet. The twentieth annual Tomato Sandwich Lunch held at the Ed Teague Arena near the Garrett Coliseum was a must-be event for Alabama political elite.  The Tomato Sandwich Lunch promotes produce from local farmers and encourages people to eat Alabama-grown products. Alabama-based vendors donate all of the food for the event. Commissioner Rick Pate was a master host to over 500 attendees. In attendance were U.S. Senator Katie Britt, State Treasurer Young Boozer, and Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth. PSC member Jeremy Oden came from Cullman, and State Board of Education President Wayne Reynolds came from Athens. State Judges in attendance were Supreme Court Judge Greg Cook, Criminal Appeals Court Judge Bill Cole, and Civil Appeals Court Judges Matt Friday and Bill Thompson. Legislators spotted were State Senators Josh Carnley and Will Barfoot, as well as Representatives Jerry Starnes, Margie Wilcox, Van Smith, and Ed Oliver. There were dozens of local County Commissioners from all over the state. Many of the state’s most prominent lobbyists were there, along with many of the Governor’s Cabinet members. Alabama Power Government Affairs guru Houston Smith and Alfa Executive Director Paul Pinyan were prominent. In fact, most of Alfa’s governmental affairs folks were at this very fun and political event. During the summer, everybody and their brother, or at least everyone who ever won a 4-H speaking contest, entered the race for the Republican nomination for President. There must be 20 people running against Donald Trump for the GOP nomination. This is just what Trump was hoping for. It splinters the anti-Trump vote to such a degree that it virtually assures him the nomination.  During the summer, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that Alabama’s Congressional districts were gerrymandered to keep Black voters from being able to elect a second Black Democrat to Congress. Alabama currently has six white Republican Congressmen and one Black Democratic Congresswoman, Terri Sewell. In July, former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Mike Bolin won a special election to fill a seat on the five-member Jefferson County Commission. His election was like manna from Heaven for the Jefferson County Republican Party. The commissioner, who departed this important seat, was a Republican. The commission had a three to two Republican majority. Therefore, it was an important election for the state’s largest and most important county. Mike Bolin had just retired from the Alabama Supreme Court after 18 years on the state’s high tribunal. He had been Probate Judge of Jefferson County for 16 years prior to his service on the Supreme Court. He only retired from the Supreme Court due to a state law that prevents judges from running for reelection after age 70. Bolin is Jefferson County through and through and one of the most respected gentlemen and public servants in Jefferson County and Alabama. The imperial county of Jefferson is fortunate that Judge Mike Bolin was available and ready to serve. His swearing-in ceremony occurred on a sweltering hot July 31. The large Jefferson County Courthouse commission chambers was overflowing. It was a congregation of who’s who of Jefferson County politics. Hope you had a good summer. Happy football season and happy Labor Day! See you next week. Steve Flowers is Alabama’s leading political columnist. His weekly column appears in over 60 Alabama newspapers. He served 16 years in the state legislature. Steve may be reached at

Alabama Legislature advances legislation requiring that American iron be used in public works projects

Last week, the Alabama State Legislature passed legislation requiring that American iron be used in all Alabama public works projects. House Bill 157 (HB157) is sponsored by State Representative David Faulkner. According to the synopsis, “Under existing law, when a public works contract requires the use of steel, the contractor performing the contract is required to use steel produced within the United States. This bill would provide that when a public works contract requires the use of iron, the contractor performing the contract would be required to use iron produced within the United States.” The Senate Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Development Committee voted unanimously to give the bill a favorable report Wednesday. Sen. Garlan Gudger chairs the committee. Rep. Faulkner told the Committee that HB157 requires that for public works projects. “You use American iron and steel. Federal law is already that way,” Faulkner said. Sen. Josh Carnley asked, “Are we putting anybody at a disadvantage?” “No, we are not,” Faulkner answered. “We have several iron manufacturers in Alabama.” Faulkner explained that Alabama law already requires the use of American steel. This legislation simply adds iron to it so that state law matches federal law. HB157 passed the Senate on a 32 to 0 vote. It has already passed in the House, so it now goes to Governor Kay Ivey for her consideration. As of Tuesday, 765 bills have been introduced in this legislative session. Tuesday was Day 19 of the 2023 Alabama Regular Legislative Session. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email

Gov. Kay Ivey signs legislation allowing military servicemembers to have liability insurance from other states

On Monday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed House Bill 210. The legislation further solidifies Alabama’s goal to be the most military-friendly state in the nation. The bill allows military personnel who transfer out of Alabama for training or service in other states to have some leeway from Alabama’s Mandatory Liability Insurance (MLI) law. As long as service members have credible coverage similar to that required by the state, they can keep their vehicle registration current without being in violation of Alabama law. SB210 received strong support in the Legislature. “Alabama has a proud history of supporting the men and women who protect our country, and as governor, I have actively sought ways to make our state even more friendly to our active servicemen, veterans, and their families,” said Governor Ivey. “Providing a Mandatory Liability Insurance exception for Alabamians serving outside the state is a common-sense reform that allows our men and women in uniform to hold on to more of their hard-earned money. I will always stand up for those who serve our country and am proud to sign this bill into law.” State Representative Rhett Marques sponsored the bill in the Alabama House of Representatives. Senator Josh Carnley carried the Senate version of the bill. “With the passage of HB 210, we continue to make Alabama the most military-friendly state in the country,” said Rep. Marques. “It is our standard to make everyday life easier for our military families. I’m proud to work with Governor Ivey and my legislative colleagues on this important initiative aimed at giving back to those who sacrifice so much.” Under current law, all motor vehicles registered in this state must continually maintain an active Alabama minimum motor vehicle liability insurance policy. Previously, Alabama military residents temporarily stationed outside of Alabama were required to maintain an Alabama MLI policy, in addition to an MLI policy in the state of their temporary duty station. This resulted in these military members then having to either choose specific policies that satisfied both Alabama and the other jurisdiction’s laws, carry two policies on the same vehicle, or move the vehicle registration from Alabama – all of which caused unnecessary burdens on Alabama military residents. “It was an honor to be able to carry legislation that helps those who sacrifice every day for Alabama,” said Sen. Carnley. “Governor Ivey has proven she wants Alabama to be known as the most pro-military state in the country. We are thankful to the men and women who serve and will continue to work to show them we appreciate their service.” Tuesday will be day 19 of the 2023 Alabama Regular Legislative Session. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email

Steve Flowers: Alabama has a host of outstanding political leaders under 45

Steve Flowers

It may appear to you and most casual observers of Alabama politics that our Alabama elected officials are old. That observation is accurate when you observe our current leaders in the highest offices. The governor’s office has been held by mature folks in recent years. Our current Governor, Kay Ivey, is 78 and has been the object of national media humor for appearing to be a pistol-toting great-grandmother. Dr. Robert Bentley, her predecessor, was in his 70’s, but he may have been sprier than he appeared. Bob Riley was no spring chicken while governor at age 65, although he looked younger. Our iconic senator, Richard Shelby, retired in January at 88 after a record-breaking 36 years in the U.S. Senate. Our new Senior Senator, Tommy Tuberville, is 68. This was not always the case in the Heart of Dixie. In the period from 1930 through 1970, we elected the youngest political leaders in the nation, beginning with our legendary tandem of United States Senators Lister Hill and John Sparkman, who served together close to 30 years. Lister Hill was elected to Congress from Montgomery in 1923 at age 29 and was elected to the U.S. Senate at age 44. John Sparkman was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1946 at 46 after serving as the Congressman for the Tennessee Valley. If you think Hill and Sparkman were young when they went to Washington, you have not seen anything like the governors we elected from 1946 -1966. James E. “Big Jim” Folsom was 38 when he was elected in 1946. John Patterson was 37 when he was elected in 1958. Patterson was referred to as the “Boy Governor.”  When George Wallace was elected to his first term in 1962, he was only 43. When his wife Lurleen Wallace was elected in 1966, she was 40. She died in office of cancer less than two years later at 41. Lurleen Wallace was succeeded by Lt. Governor Albert Brewer, who had been Speaker of the Alabama House at 34, Lt. Governor at 38, and was 39 when he became governor. Bill Baxley was the youngest Attorney General in America when he was elected Attorney General of Alabama at 29 years old in 1970. He had been a 25-year-old District Attorney in Houston and Henry Counties. Baxley still practices law in Birmingham at 81. Well, folks, a cursory look at our current top elected officials may appear old. However, we have a generation of young political leaders arriving on the scene in Alabama.  We already have superstars on the horizon and already on the scene who are under 45. Our new United States Senator, Katie Britt, is only 40 years old. She has the ability and youthfulness to be one of Alabama’s greatest senators. She has gotten to the Senate at a younger age than Hill, Sparkman, or Shelby.  Marshall County has become the hotbed and breeding ground for the next generations of Alabama political leaders. This beautiful pristine lake area of North Alabama lays claim to Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth, age 41, State Senate Majority leader Clay Scofield, age 42, and State Representative Wes Kitchens, who is 35 and is Vice Chairman of the House Republican Caucus. Andrew Sorrell, the newly elected State Auditor, is only 37. He has a bright future. The brightest star in the Democratic ranks is Huntsville State Representative Anthony Daniels. At age 40, Daniels is a superstar. He is in his third term in the House from Huntsville. He is the Minority Leader in the House. This gentleman is also a successful high-tech businessman in Rocket City. There are several other stars under 45 in the Alabama House of Representatives besides Daniels and Kitchens, including Kyle South of Fayette, Matt Simpson of Daphne, Joe Lovvorn of Auburn, Ben Robbins of Sylacauga, Scott Stadthagen of Madison, Corey Harbison of Cullman, and very young newcomers James Lomax of Huntsville and Brock Colvin of Albertville. Joining the affable and accomplished 42-year-old Senate Majority Leader, Clay Scofield in the powerful State Senate in the under 45 superstar group are Senator Chris Elliott, 42, of Baldwin, Senator Andrew Jones, 38, of Cherokee, and newly elected Senator Josh Carnley from Coffee County who is 44. Alabama has a host of under 45 political leaders. See you next week. Steve Flowers is Alabama’s leading political columnist. His weekly column is seen in over 60 Alabama newspapers. Steve served 16 years in the legislature. He may be reached at:

Alabama Legislature returns for session today

The Alabama Legislature will be back at work in Montgomery Tuesday after taking off last week for spring break. Both Houses of the Alabama Legislature will be in session, with the Alabama House of Representatives going into session at 1:00 p.m. and the Alabama Senate going in at 2:30 p.m. As of Tuesday, the Alabama House of Representatives has not released a proposed special order calendar for what bills it will work on in Tuesday’s session. The Senate has not posted a new special order calendar. The Joint Committee on Public Accounts will meet on Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in the Senate’s Finance and Taxation committee room on the eighth floor of the Statehouse. The committee has not posted an agenda. The Senate County and Local Government Committee will meet at 1:00 p.m. in the same room. There are two bills on the posted committee agenda. Senate Bill 92 (SB92) is sponsored by Sen. Josh Carnley. SB92 would extend the time to make a one-time lump-sum addition to the retirement benefits of certain retirees and beneficiaries of the Employees’ Retirement System and give local units participating in the Employees’ Retirement System the option to come under the provisions of the act. According to the fiscal note, “The provisions of this act would increase the obligations of any local entity making such election by an undetermined amount dependent on the cost of the bonuses issues, which must be borne by the local government, as provided by this bill.” Senate Bill 142 (SB142) is sponsored by Sen. Vivian Figures. SB142 would annex additional property into the Baldwin County city of Spanish Fort. The legislation is cosponsored by Sens. Greg Albritton and Chris Elliott, so all three of Baldwin County’s Senators support this legislation. Elliott chairs the committee. The Senate Healthcare Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. in Room 304 of the State House. Two bills are on the Committee agenda. Senate Bill 109 (SB109) is sponsored by Sen. Linda Coleman-Madison. SB109 would further provide the scope of practice of licensees of the Alabama Board of Social Work Examiners.  Senate Bill 28 (SB28) is sponsored by Sen. Tim Melson. SB28 would expand the scope of the practice of podiatry to include the treatment of disorders of the foot and ankle. Currently, Alabama limits podiatrists to feet only. There was a public hearing on this legislation on March 22. Alabama is one of the most restrictive environments for podiatrists in the country, making it very difficult for podiatrists to practice in Alabama. Most of our neighboring states already allow podiatrists to treat the ankle. The doctors’ lobbying group, the Alabama Medical Association, has opposed expanding the scope of practice for podiatrists for years. Melson chairs the Senate Healthcare Committee. Tuesday will be day 5 of the 2023 Alabama Regular Legislative Session. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email

Steve Flowers: Marshall County and Enterprise emerging as Alabama political breeding grounds

Steve Flowers

Over the years, certain counties in Alabama have bred an inordinate number of governors and state political leaders.  The three most prominent enclaves historically have been Tuscaloosa, Barbour, and Cullman. In the earlier years of statehood, Tuscaloosa was the most heralded county. They have continued, intermittently, throughout the years. The most prominent senator in Alabama history, Richard Shelby, who retired after 36 years in the Senate, calls Tuscaloosa home. Indeed, the state capital was in Tuscaloosa one time in the early years. They have had a fairly recent governor in Dr. Robert Bentley. Barbour County is called the “Home of Governors,” and for a good reason. They have had more governors than any county in state history. This sparsely populated Black Belt county has had six governors hail from there. George Wallace is, of course, the most prominent Barbour County Governor, but they also have Chauncy Sparks, John Gill Shorter, William Jelks, Braxton Bragg Comer, and Jere Beasley. Barbour County and Tuscaloosa both claim Lurleen Wallace. She was born and raised in Northport in Tuscaloosa County but married George Wallace and moved to Barbour County. This split county claim of governors also applies to legendary Governor James “Big Jim” Folsom. Big Jim was born and raised in Coffee County near Elba but moved to Cullman as a young man. So, Cullman gets bragging rights since he lived in Cullman when he was first elected in 1946. Cullman has indeed come on strong in the past few decades. They have had two governors in recent years, Jim Folsom Jr. and Guy Hunt. Today, we have two counties emerging as hotbeds for breeding state political leaders. Coffee County is percolating with political success. More particularly the growing City of Enterprise. Our new U.S. Senator, Katie Boyd Britt, was born and raised in Enterprise. She is only 40. The Congressman from the second district, Barry Moore, is from Enterprise although Dothan, Montgomery, and Elmore County have more population in that Congressional District. Moore is only 56. A rising popular star in the State House of Representatives, Rhett Marquis, 48, is from the Boll Weevil City. Enterprise is the home of the new state senator from that southeast Alabama hub. Josh Carnley just took the seat of retiring legend Jimmy Holley, thus keeping that seat in Coffee County. Carnley is a Coffee County farmer and insurance broker. Enterprise has a very good Mayor in William “Bill” Cooper. He has been in city politics for a good while. Coffee County also dominates all the judicial posts in this circuit. All three circuit judges hail from Coffee County in Enterprise. Sonny Reagan, Jeff Kelley, and Shannon Clark are all relatively young. The new District Attorney, James Tarbox, is very young. Jimmy Baker, who is Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System, hails from Coffee County and lives in Enterprise. Enterprise has always laid claim to Ft. Rucker, which has been the impetus of their growth, but they are emerging as a political powerhouse. The other county that is set to be called an Alabama political spawning ground powerhouse is Marshall County. They currently have a cadre of the state’s most powerful and promising Alabama leaders. The most prominent is 41-year-old Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth, who may be our next governor.  State Senator Clay Scofield of Marshall County is only 42 and is Majority Leader of the State Senate. Attorney General Steve Marshall, 57, is in his second term as Attorney General. It is rare that two of the state’s highest-ranking officials, Will Ainsworth and Steve Marshall, are both from the same county. There are two rising stars in the Alabama House of Representatives from Marshall County. Young Wes Kitchens, an emerging leader in the House, is from Marshall. Also, the youngest member of the House of Representatives, Brock Colvin, has just been elected at the ripe old age of 26 and is catching people’s eyes on Goat Hill. Enterprise and Marshall County are emerging as new political breeding grounds for Alabama politicians. See you next week. Steve Flowers is Alabama’s leading political columnist. His weekly column appears in over 60 Alabama newspapers. He served 16 years in the state legislature. Steve may be reached at

Seven State Senate seat races to watch

All 35 State Senate seats are up for grabs in the November 8 general election. Republicans hold a 27 to 8 margin over Democrats in the current makeup of the Alabama Senate. The Alabama Republican Party is running candidates in 29 seats. The GOP is defending all of the 27 seats they currently hold and are running candidates in two districts currently held by Democrats. Alabama Democrats are defending the eight seats they currently hold and are challenging the GOP in six districts currently held by Republicans. Libertarians currently hold no seats in the Alabama Senate but are running twelve candidates in State Senate races. There are a number of contested State Senate races on the November ballot. These are the seven races with the most chance of becoming interesting. Democrat Lisa Ward is challenging Republican incumbent State Sen. Gerald Allen in Senate District 21. Both of these candidates are well known in the Tuscaloosa area. Allen has represented the district for three terms and served in the Alabama House of Representatives before that. Ward is a former city councilwoman who is very active in the community. According to filings with the Alabama Secretary of State’s office, Allen has a $204,872.68 campaign account balance entering September, which includes August contributions of $8,250. Ward, the challenger, meanwhile raised $23,149.76 in August and has a cash balance of $31,968.94 entering September. Neither faced a primary opponent. Democrat Kim Lewis versus Republican incumbent State Sen. Tom Butler in Senate District 2. Butler has represented Madison County in the legislature for parts of five decades, but this is one of the fastest growing areas in the state, and there are thousands of new people that bring different politics with them to the area. Lewis is hoping that an increasingly purple Madison County will result in a win. Butler was pushed hard in the Republican primary by former State Sen. Bill Holtzclaw. Butler raised $44,500 in the month of August and enters September with $38,166.63. Lewis raised $7,830 in August and comes into September with $27,859.70. In Senate District 33, incumbent Democratic Sen. Vivian Figures faces Republican challenger Pete Riehm. This has been a very safe Democratic district consisting of the poorest parts of Mobile as well as Mobile County suburbs like Prichard, but redistricting meant that the new district now goes deep into Baldwin County and picked up the very prosperous and heavily Republican community of Spanish Fort. This district went from very blue to purple thanks to the legislature’s redistricting and efforts to “unpack” Black voters from majority-minority districts. Is it purple enough for a Republican to take it away from the Democrats? That is for the voters to decide on November 8. Sen. Figures raised $31,500 in the month of August to enter September with $110,497.02. Riehm had contributions of $19,577.54 in August and enters September with $60,911.31. Democrat Sherri Lewis versus Republican Jay Hovey in Senate District 27. Hovey, an Auburn City Councilman, just narrowly defeated incumbent Tom Whatley (R-Auburn) in a heavily contested GOP primary. Hovey, who has the challenge of unifying Republicans, raised $85,500 in contributions in August to enter September with a cash balance of $70,074.17. Reese meanwhile raised $1,806.20 in August to bring a total of $2,703.33 into the month of September. Senate District 23 – here, there are three candidates vying for the open seat formerly held by State Sen. Malika Sanders-Fortier, who vacated the seat in an unsuccessful bid for governor. Democrat Robert Lee Stewart narrowly defeated former State Sen. Hank Sanders in a hard-fought Democratic primary runoff in June. Stewart faces both a Republican in Michael Nimmer and a Libertarian in Portia Stephens. Stewart raised $16,987 in August to bring $17,872.84 into September. The Libertarian, Stephens, reported raising $2,060 in August to finish the month with $6,285 in cash on hand. The Republican, Nimmer, has not filed a campaign finance report. Alabama does not have general election runoffs, so when there are multiple candidates, the candidate with the most votes wins even if they got less than half of the votes. There is another three-way contest in Senate District 29. There, incumbent Republican Sen. Donnie Chesteen (R-Dothan) faces both Democrat Nathan “Nate” Mathis and Libertarian Floyd “Pete” McBroom. Matthis reported raising no money in August, but he has $5,719.36 in cash on hand. McBroom has not filed a campaign finance report with the Secretary of State’s office yet. The incumbent, Chesteen, raised $25,500 in August to enter September with $327,660.86. In Senate District 12, Republican Keith Kelley is battling Democrat David McCullars for the open seat currently held by Sen. Del Marsh. Kelley raised $29,658.24 in August and has $65,102.13 in cash on hand. McCullars only raised $265 in the month of August and entered the month of September with $4,377.15 in cash on hand. Kelley had a hard-fought Republican primary. This is a district that has given Marsh a close call in the 2014 general election. In other contested Alabama Senate races ·         SD3 incumbent Arthur Orr (R-Decatur) faces Libertarian Rick Chandler ·         SD4 incumbent Garlan Gudger (R-Cullman) faces Libertarian Jacob Marlow ·         SD6 incumbent Larry Stutts (R-Sheffield) faces Libertarian Kyle Richard-Garrison ·         SD7 incumbent Sam Givhan (R-Huntsville) faces Democrat Korey Wilson ·         SD15 incumbent Dan Roberts (R-Mountain Brook) faces Libertarian Michael Crump ·         SD17 incumbent Shay Shelnutt (R-Trussville) faces Libertarian John Fortenberry ·         SD24 incumbent Bobby Singleton (D-Greensboro) faces Libertarian Richard Benderson ·         SD25 incumbent Will Barfoot (R-Montgomery) versus Libertarian Louie Woolbright ·         SD28 incumbent Billy Beasley (D-Clayton) faces Libertarian David Boatwright ·         SD35 incumbent David Sessions (R-Grand Bay) faces Libertarian Clifton Hudson Republican incumbents Tim Melson, Greg Reed, Steve Livingston, Clay Scofield, Andrew Jones, Randy Price, April Weaver, Jabo Waggoner, Greg Albritton, Clyde Chambliss, Chris Elliott, and Jack Williams are all running unopposed. Republican newcomers Lance Bell in SD11 and Josh Carnley in SD31 are also unopposed in the general election. Democratic incumbents Rodger Smitherman, Linda Coleman-Madison, and Kirk Hatcher are all also unopposed in the general election. State Rep. Merika Coleman is unopposed in SD19, which is being vacated by the retirement of Priscilla Dunn (D-Bessemer). In 2022 Republican candidates in Alabama have received $44,321,108.97 in contributions. Political Action Committees have received $17,846,761.05. Democratic candidates have received $6,629,199.43, and all other candidates have received just $111,950.87. The general

Steve Flowers: Women and young folks prevail in 2022

Steve Flowers

In my observations of Alabama politics, every election year brings an underlying election year surprise or two. The underlying prevailing theme emerging from the Alabama political arena this year is that women have arrived politically in the Heart of Dixie. Governor Kay Ivey is only the second female elected Governor of Alabama, Lurleen Wallace being the first in 1966. Governor Ivey won a decisive second-term nomination as the Republican nominee in May. She will face another female Democratic nominee, Yolanda Flowers, in the November General Election. This is the first time two women will face each other for governor. In fact, the first and second place finishers in both the Republican and Democratic primaries were women. Governor Ivey was followed by Lindy Blanchard, who finished second in the GOP primary. Dr. Yolanda Flowers, a retired Birmingham educator, was in a runoff with second place Democratic female State Senator Malika Sanders Fortier in the Democratic primary. Katie Britt emerged victoriously from the Republican U.S. Senate contest, and if elected in November, as is expected, she will be the first female elected to the U.S. Senate from Alabama. Katie Britt is the brightest young star in Alabama politics. She is the new rock star of the state. Not only will she be the first female senator, but she is also the headliner for the second theme of 2022. That is, we have a pair of new youthful stars arriving on the scene as the dust settles from the June 21 runoffs. Wes Allen and Andrew Sorrell have become the new stars on the scene. Wes Allen defeated veteran politico Jim Ziegler in the Secretary of State race. Andrew Sorrell bested Stan Cooke and Rusty Glover to become State Auditor. Both Sorrell and Allen were about to become freshmen members of the Alabama House this time four years ago. Now, they are the new stars on the statewide political block. They will be joining Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth as young constitutional officeholders with a future. You have four young stars on the horizon in the state. Rockstar Katie Britt is 40, superstar Will Ainsworth is 41, star Wes Allen is 46, and star Andrew Sorrell is 36. Another young superstar has arrived on the behind-the-scenes political consulting arena in Alabama politics. Twenty-seven-year-old Sean Ross ran the Katie Britt campaign masterfully. He is absolutely brilliant. He ran one of Twinkle Cavanaugh’s campaigns four years ago when he was just graduating from the University of Alabama. Katie did a good day’s work when she acquired his services with a recommendation from Twinkle. He is the hottest item in Alabama political consulting. There were four vacancies in the Alabama State Senate. State Representative Merika Coleman, a Bessemer attorney, won a very impressive victory for the seat of retiring Priscilla Dunn. She is young and brilliant and is going to be a star in the Alabama State Senate.  Lance Bell won the seat of retiring state Senator Jim McClendon. Bell beat his opponent 73% to 27% in this Republican seat. Keith Kelley emerged victorious over Wendy Ghee Draper, in the Anniston-based Republican seat of retiring veteran state Senator Del Marsh. In probably the biggest upset surprise of the 2022 primary season was the victory of Josh Carnley to fill the Republican Southeast Alabama Senate Seat held for decades by the powerful and popular Jimmy Holley. This district is comprised of Coffee, Covington, Pike, and part of Dale counties. Twelve-year veteran State House member Mike Jones of Andalusia was expected to waltz to victory having every business group’s endorsement. Carnley carried his home county of Coffee overwhelmingly, and veteran political consultant David Mowery did a masterful job with Carnley’s ads. Popular first-term state senator, Dan Roberts, was challenged by a self-financed urologist in Roberts’ silk stocking Jefferson/Shelby district, but Roberts won handily. For the first time in 40 years, there will not be a Sanders representing the Black Belt in the Alabama Senate. Veteran Senator Hank Sanders failed in his bid to take back his seat he loaned to his daughter, the aforementioned Malika Sanders Fortier. Hank Sanders had served nine terms as the Black Belt’s senator. He was defeated by Robert Stewart of Selma. Jay Hovey won the coveted Lee/Tallapoosa/Russell County State Senate seat, prevailing over incumbent Tom Whatley by one vote. For the most part, the powerful 35-member State Senate will return intact with only a few new faces. See you next week. Steve Flowers is Alabama’s leading political columnist. His weekly column appears in over 60 Alabama newspapers. He served 16 years in the state legislature. Steve may be reached at

Several Alabama legislators lose to primary challengers

At least six members of the Alabama Legislature lost to primary challengers on Tuesday, according to unofficial returns, and several races are yet to be decided. In one of the tightest races, Republican Sen. Tom Whatley of Auburn is trailing challenger Jay Hovey by four votes, according to unofficial returns. Provisional ballots will be counted next week. Hovey is a member of the Auburn City Council. In the House of Representatives, Rep. Will Dismukes of Prattville lost to challenger Jerry Starnes. His defeat came after a series of political and legal troubles. Dismukes had faced calls for his resignation in 2020 after participating in a celebration marking the birthday of Nathan Bedford Forrest — the Confederate general who was also an early Ku Klux Klan leader. He also faced a theft charge related to a dispute with a former employer. Other incumbent defeats, according to unofficial returns, included: — Republican Rep. Joe Faust of Fairhope, a 20-year veteran of the House was defeated by Jennifer Fidler. — Republican Rep. Dickie Drake of Leeds was defeated by Susan DuBose. — Republican Rep. Tommy Hanes of Bryant was defeated by Mike Kirkland. — Republican Rep. Proncey Robertson of Mount Hope was defeated by Ernie Yarbrough. — Democratic Rep. Ralph Howard of Greensboro was defeated by Curtis Travis. Republican Rep. Gill Isbell of Gadsden is trailing challenger Mack Butler, who previously served in the Legislature. But the race is caught in a mix-up where some voters got ballots with the wrong House district. Secretary of State John Merrill said they did not know how many voters were affected. Democratic Rep. Rod Scott of Fairfield was forced into a runoff with a challenger. In another notable contest, House Rules Chair Mike Jones, one of the most influential members in the House of Representatives, appears to have lost to Coffee County Commissioner Josh Carnley in his bid to join the Alabama Senate. Unofficial returns showed Carnley avoiding a runoff with Jones by a margin of about 50 votes. The two are seeking the GOP nomination for the state Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Jimmy Holley. Former longtime state Sen. Hank Sanders of Selma will go to a runoff with Robert L. Stewart for the Democratic nomination for District 23. Sanders represented the district from 1982 to 2018. His daughter, Sen. Malika Sanders-Fortier, won the seat in 2018 but is leaving the state Senate to run for governor. Republished with the permission of The Associated Press.

Josh Carnley announces run for State Senate

Republican Coffee County Commissioner Josh Carnley announced he will run for State Senate District 31. The Ino, Alabama native is an owner and President of SanBuck Insurance, which provides personal, commercial, and agricultural insurance throughout Alabama and Florida. He also farms cotton, peanuts, corn, and beef cattle. Carnley and his wife, the former Valerie Presley from Opp, have been happily married for 18 years. They have three children: daughter Presley, 15; daughter Stella, 12; and son John Matthew, 9. Carnley stated, “I have a strong conservative record as a Coffee County Commissioner. I fight every day for the things that make America great. I would like to thank Senator Holley for his service to our area, and his long and storied career. I’m going to continue to be a voice for Coffee, Covington, Dale, and Pike Counties.” “I’m from a little place called Ino. It’s a speck on the map, but when you add up these small towns, you get a mass of people who love and value their way of life,” Carnley continued. “I intend to be a voice for fiscal responsibility, economic growth, our children’s education, support for our military, and freedom from the burden of government. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that our freedoms are fragile – we need state officials who will fight for freedom, not yield to the tyranny of government.” Senator Jimmy Holley announced he will retire after this term. Senate District 31 currently encompasses all of Coffee, Covington, and Pike Counties, and the northern 2/3 of Dale County. Holley has held the office since 1998. He served 5 terms in the Alabama House of Representatives.