Mental health commissioner Lynn Beshear calls for action in schools

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Alabama’s Department of Mental Health Commissioner Lynn Beshear called for mental health prevention and intervention to ensure school safety in an op-ed Saturday.

Beshear said the state must focus on identifying behaviors that trigger school violence and proactively treating mental health. The state’s school-based mental health services put clinicians into schools to counsel students. Only 36 school systems in Alabama have the services and Beshear advocated for expanding it to the other 106.

One in five U.S. children experience a mental, emotional or behavioral disorder, the American Institutes for Research reported. Mentally ill children often drop out of school and end up in the juvenile justice system, according to the National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice.

Gov. Kay Iveys newly created school security council will review mental health.

Republished with the permission of the Associated Press.


  1. Problem is Florida school knew of the specific problem and did NOTHING. So FBI knew of problem and did NOTHING. The knee jerk response is to add mental health people in schools to council students. Society has changed and violence all around us is the new norm. Video games that allow children to slice off opponents arms and legs really needs to be discussed and regulated. Watching high profile “role models” batter spouses and incur NO penalty whatsoever is astounding. Only reinforces belief that type behavior is socially acceptable. When we have such poor morals in Government leadership be it bribery, abuse, unwanted sexual advances or being a low life swamp rat and getting rich at same time, really sends wrong message. Schools are supposed to be places of learning. Not place to berate or bully others. This behavior is brought to school where it has been ALLOWED to fester. Our “educators” have had their hands tied for way too long dealing with students who refuse to follow the rules and sue when they do get in trouble. Where does a 15 or 16 year old get enough money to hire an attorney? Suspect most get represented for free hopes of school boars offering a nice quickie settlement…..
    Want to act like a swamp rat, take it off school grounds and away from those who actually want to get something out of the education experience…..

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