ALGOP Chairman John Wahl defends Tommy Tuberville after Joe Biden’s attack

On Thursday, President Joe Biden attacked U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville for his hold on military promotions in response to Biden’s controversial military abortion policy. On Friday, Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl released a statement concerning the President’s attack on the senior Senator from Alabama.

“President Biden needs to get his house in order before attacking other people!” Chairman Wahl said. “This situation started because he ignored the will of the people and the U.S. Congress by circumventing the Hyde Amendment. As Commander-in-Chief, President Biden needs to take responsibility for his administration’s actions and reverse this flawed policy. He single-handedly has the power to end the Pentagon’s violation of the Hyde Amendment and stop the holds coming from the Senate floor. Coach Tuberville is not just representing the interests of his constituents here in Alabama but also the majority of Americans who have repeatedly expressed that they do not want taxpayer funds being used for abortion-related expenses. Senator Tuberville’s stance also upholds the constitutional understanding that spending decisions must originate with the legislative branch. I call on the President to end this standoff now, by reversing this unlawful policy.”

Wahl’s statement was in response to a lengthy diatribe that the President launched Thursday night about Senator Tuberville.

“The senior senator from Alabama, who claims to support our troops, is now blocking more than 300 military (nominations) with his extreme political agenda,” President Biden said. “Right now, tens of thousands of America’s sons and daughters are deployed around the world tonight, keeping us safe from immense national security challenges. But the senator from Alabama is not.”

Tuberville placed his hold on unanimous consent for military promotions in response to Biden’s DoD policy of reimbursing military members, or their dependents, for travel to obtain an abortion if they are serving in a pro-Life state that has banned the killing of the preborn.

“This partisan freeze is already harming military readiness, security and leadership, and troop morale,” Biden said. “A growing cascade of damage and destruction all because one senator from Alabama and 48 Republicans who refuse to stand up to him, to lift the blockade over the Pentagon policy offering servicemen and women and their families access to reproductive health care rights they deserve if they are stationed in states that deny it.”

Biden called Tuberville’s hold on the promotions “outrageous.”

The people of Alabama have overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment banning abortions.

Tuberville has said that he is not going to budge on his stance.

The Senate Majority Leader could simply pass every promotion one at a time through normal order. To this point, the Senate Democrats have not chosen to do that.

Tuberville was elected to the Senate in 2020.

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