Jackie Zeigler announces candidacy for re-election to Alabama State Board of Education District One seat

Jackie Zeigler announced her candidacy for re-election to the Alabama State Board of Education’s District One seat.

Mrs. Zeigler says she wants to continue her efforts to return common sense to the school system. She led the statewide campaign that defeated Amendment One in 2020. It would have taken away the right of citizens to vote for school board members and made them appointed by the governor.

She successfully passed a ban on Critical Race Theory in Alabama schools. She fell short in efforts to prevent the lowering of reading standards for promotion from third grade.

“We need to stop social promotions. We are doing no favors to students to promote them when they cannot read at grade level,” she said.

“Alabama was progressing impressively right before the national standards were adopted. We need to return to the Science of Reading, basic math, and old-fashioned teaching. We do not need to teach to the test.”

Zeigler was elected to the State Board in 2016 and re-elected in 2020. Before that, she was Principal of Mary B. Austin Elementary School in Mobile, which won the National Blue-Ribbon Award of Excellence.

“Serving as the representative for District One on the State Board of Education has been an extraordinary privilege. I am excited about the opportunity to continue this essential work,” Zeigler said.

“Our students and schools deserve a State School Board dedicated to their success, and I am committed to ensuring that our educational system overcomes its problems and achieves our potential.”

In the 2020 election, Zeigler received 72% of the vote in District One. District One covers Baldwin, Escambia, Covington, Coffee, Conecuh, Crenshaw, and Butler counties and much of western and southern Mobile County.

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