Katie Britt and four AL House members sign letter opposing EPA emissions mandates

U.S. Senator Katie Britt joined Representatives Barry Moore, Gary Palmer, Jerry Carl, and Robert Aderholt, joined more than 150 of their colleagues, in a bicameral letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan urging the Biden Administration to overturn its de facto electric mandate on trucks, tractors, buses, and semis. The final rule, “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3,” was published on April 22, 2024. According to the Rule Summary on EPA website, “The new standards will be applicable to HD vocational vehicles (such as delivery trucks, refuse haulers, public utility trucks, transit, shuttle, school buses, etc.) and tractors (such as day cabs and sleeper cabs on tractor-trailer trucks).” Numerous consumer and trade groups oppose the rule. The American Trucking Associations Chief Advocacy and Public Affairs Officer Ed Gilroy said, “The American Trucking Associations opposes EPA’s GHG3 rule in its current form because the post-2030 targets remain entirely unachievable given the current state of zero-emission technology, the lack of charging infrastructure and restrictions on the power grid.” The bicameral letter warned, “This rule will harm our families and businesses, increases our gas prices, and makes us more dependent on foreign supply chains – particularly China.” “Our farmers and agricultural industry will be especially hurt by this new mandate. According to the latest agriculture census by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there are 3,161,820 trucks (including pickups) on over 1.4 million farms and 3,784,743 tractors on over 1.5 million farms that would see higher equipment costs and tighter margins due to this misguided rule. These numbers also do not account for the small, independent truckers, trucking companies, and truck dealerships throughout the U.S. that will be impacted. Not only would this rule harm consumers, but it would also exacerbate consolidation by effectively forcing our small trucking companies out of business that cannot afford this hasty transition to electric or hydrogen powered trucks,” the lawmakers wrote. “[W]e urge you to withdraw your final rule that is both unrealistic and burdensome,” the lawmakers continued. “This rule will only further increase costs for American families, businesses, and rural communities while fueling more inflation. We need to give Americans a choice in the cars and trucks that they drive, and affordability and performance for the trucking industry is paramount.” Britt’s office released a statement calling her a “strong proponent of preserving consumers’ freedom to choose gas-powered vehicles.” Earlier this year, Britt joined Senator Tommy Tuberville and another large bicameral group of lawmakers in a letter calling for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Deputy Administrator to rescind the Biden Administration’s proposed Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for passenger cars and light-duty trucks. This rule sought to phase out gas-powered vehicles and mandate the mass production of electric vehicles. Britt’s statement noted that she has cosponsored several bills addressing the Biden administration’s vehicle mandates including Senator Crapo’s Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act to prohibit the EPA from moving forward with its EV mandate for passenger cars and trucks or any similar future rules that would limit the availability of new motor vehicles based on that vehicle’s engine type as well as being a cosponsor of Senator Markwayne Mullin’s the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.  

Katie Britt salutes passage of the NDAA

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) released a statement following her vote to support final passage of the bipartisan NDAA. “Today, I voted to support the Fiscal Year 2024 NDAA, which contains major wins for Alabama, for our national defense, and for conservatives,” said Sen. Britt. “This legislation includes a 5.2 percent pay raise for our troops, forces the Biden Administration to resume construction of the wall at our southern border, and ensures that all future military promotions are solely based on an individual’s performance and merit.” “We also know that Communist China is our greatest geopolitical and national security threat, and everything the Chinese Communist Party does is as our adversary,” Britt continued. “This NDAA continues to modernize our military capabilities and assets, so that our warfighters remain the best equipped, trained, and ready in the world. This bill provides our military with the resources it needs to keep pace with China when it comes to addressing the threats in the Pacific and bolsters deterrence across the globe, including to aggressors such as Iran. This legislation provides critical missile defense and military training to the Israelis as they defend themselves from barbaric Hamas terrorists in the wake of October 7.” “Thanks to the hard work of our Alabama delegation, this bill also completely freezes any funding that would be used to build or renovate a Space Command headquarters in Colorado until a full audit of the Biden Administration’s politically-motivated, reckless basing decision is complete and publicized,” said Britt. “In addition, this NDAA authorizes more than $316 million for improvements to Alabama’s military bases and National Guard facilities. This is imperative to our state’s ability to continue strengthening our national defense long into the future, and it supports tens of thousands of good-paying jobs in communities across Alabama.” “I’m also especially proud to have included a provision in the NDAA that represents a positive step forward as we continue to work to better support the wellbeing of our servicemembers and their families,” Britt stated. “This provision is aimed at ensuring our military families have expanded access and greater flexibility when it comes to mental health care, and I’ll continue to advance this important mission.“ “I thank my colleagues on both the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, particularly Chairman Mike Rogers, for their work to ensure that Congress was able to pass this critical legislation to support our military here at home and around the world,” Britt concluded. The NDAA has been passed annually by Congress since 1961. It authorizes critical functions such as funding for the military, outlining national security priorities, and setting targets for modernizing defense technologies and munitions. This year the bill includes a 5.2% pay raise for the troops including more than 37,000 active-duty service members in Alabama. It authorizes $316.6 million in Military Construction Projects, including: ·         $68M for a Ground Test Facility on Redstone Arsenal ·         $65M for Military Family Housing at Maxwell Air Force Base ·         $57M for a new Army Reserve Center in Birmingham ·         $41.2M for new Barracks at Ft. Novosel Britt secured passage of a key amendment in the legislation that would require the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to submit a report to Congress on the feasibility of allowing American servicemembers and their dependents to keep previously retained mental healthcare via telehealth services while transferring between postings. The bill also contains the FINISH IT Act, legislation co-sponsored by Senator Britt that would force the Biden Administration’s Department of Defense (DoD) to allow millions of dollars of unused border wall panels already owned by the U.S. government to be used to extend the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border that was started under the Trump Administration. The bill contains the MERIT Act, legislation co-sponsored by Senator Britt that will ensure that all military promotions are made on the basis of merit and performance rather than alternative factors. The final version of the NDAA stripped off a number of partisan provisions added by GOP House members. This is much closer to the bipartisan version of the NDAA that passed out of the Senate. This is the first NDAA that Katie Britt has been able to contribute to as a member of the United States Senate. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Tommy Tuberville introduces amendment to secure the border and stop the flow of fentanyl

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) introduced the Border Safety and Security Act as an amendment to the SUPPORT Act. Tuberville said that it is impossible to address the drug overdose problem in the United States without addressing border security. Tuberville claimed that this legislation is needed to address the opioid crisis until the southern border is secure. HELP Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) opposed the amendment, effectively blocking it from consideration. “I’d like to take this opportunity to discuss an issue that I believe is directly related to everything we’ve talked about in here,” said Sen. Tuberville in the hearing. “I believe it’s impossible to discuss our nation’s opioid epidemic without discussing the crisis at the southern border. You know, back in March, I introduced the Border Safety and Security Act. This legislation requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to suspend the entry of illegal immigrants into the United States until we have control of our border again – because we’ve lost it. 6.5 million illegal immigrants have been apprehended by the [Customs & Border Protection] since January 2021. In fiscal year 2023 alone, CBP seized 1,000 pounds of fentanyl at the border. Imagine how much fentanyl made it into the U.S. without being caught by law enforcement. Imagine how many lives we’ve lost – over 100,000 a year in this country – eight to ten in my state a day in Alabama, not counting the cost of health care. Mental illness – I keep hearing about people training new mental health professionals – and that’s great. If we don’t stop this drug coming across the border, we’re not gonna fix anything. We’re wasting our time.” “I’m offering this bill as an amendment to the SUPPORT Act today because I think we must take a good hard look at this,” Tuberville continued. “We’ve got to do it. Find[ing] ways to address substance abuse disorders is worthwhile and should be seriously considered by this committee. But unless we do something to address the supply, addiction will only continue and get worse. We will never get out of this epidemic without it. So, every day we leave it open, it’s becoming the biggest disaster of our lifetime. And we’re in here talking about mental health people working. It is a disaster. I’ve taught for 40 years, and I’ve never seen the influx of what’s happening. Not just in our communities but in our schools. We wonder why we have problems. It’s an absolute disgrace. Therefore, I’d like to offer and withdraw this amendment, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.” Tuberville originally introduced the Border and Security Act in March 2023 as part of his continued push to tighten border security and address the humanitarian crisis created by President Joe Biden’s immigration policies. Tuberville’s legislation puts more responsibility on the secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and gives increased authority to state attorneys general in holding DHS accountable if the department fails in its duty to restrict entry and detain illegal immigrants. 2.76 million illegal immigrants crossed the southern border in fiscal year 2022 alone – that is equal to 55.1% of the population of the state of Alabama. That was followed by a record-breaking 3.2 million in fiscal year 2023 – equivalent to 64.5% of the population of the state of Alabama. The open border is also contributing to the deadly fentanyl epidemic, which kills 107,000 Americans a year. 69.5% of the deaths are males. Drug overdose is now the leading cause of death for adults aged 18-45.   If enacted, the Border Safety and Security Act would: ·         Authorize the DHS Secretary to suspend the entry of illegal immigrants at the U.S. border should the secretary determine it is necessary to do so to regain operational control of the border. ·         Require the secretary to suspend the entry of illegal immigrants during any period of time in which DHS cannot detain such individuals or place them in Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) or a similar program. ·         Authorize state attorneys general to bring legal action against the DHS should the secretary fail to suspend entry without detention or use of MPP, continuing to place strain on communities, so as to obtain injunctive relief. Original cosponsors in the Senate include U.S. Senators Katie Britt (R-Alabama), J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), and Mike Lee (R-Utah). The legislation is supported by the America First Policy Institute, NumbersUSA, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), and the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Sen. Tuberville said he supports common-sense policies that strengthen our border and national security, like building the wall and reinstating the Migrant Protection Protocols, also known as the Remain in Mexico policy. Tuberville has spoken about his concerns on the floor of the U.S. Senate and called on the Biden administration to act. In September 2023, Senator Tuberville helped introduce the Secure the Border Act of 2023, the Senate companion passed by the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year, commonly known as H.R. 2. It was blocked in the Senate. Tuberville has served in the Senate for three years. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Katie Britt claims ‘Senate Democrats and Joe Biden are the putting American people last’ with border policies

Last week, U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) joined a group of Republican colleagues to reiterate the need for strong policy changes at the U.S. southern border. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) organized the press conference. “Senator Graham, thank you for hosting this, thank you for continuing to bring attention to this,” Sen. Britt said, “And thank you for all of the gentlemen behind me who continue to work diligently to actually secure our border. That’s what the American people deserve, but unfortunately, Joe Biden refuses to give that to them. You know, when we look at this emergency supplemental, when we look at this national security supplemental, when we look at what Joe Biden sent us, he put money for the border in there. But do you know what that was? It was stuff that continues to facilitate the mass migration that we see across our border. It was yet more of a magnet to draw more and more people here.” Britt accused the mainstream media of not covering the story about human rights abuses taking place on the border. “We have both a national security and a humanitarian crisis on our border,” Sen. Britt continued. “The liberal media has decided to turn a blind eye to the fact that women are being raped on our border. That children are being recycled on our border. That we have laws that allow that to happen, and actually, that’s what some of these children are going through.” Britt said that Senate Democrats are doing nothing to address Biden’s border crisis. “Guys, when are you going to actually call it like it is and not like the liberal left wants you to? The reality is these policies are inhumane,” Britt asked. “You look at the national security threat of this. Y’all, we’ve gone through a week where we’ve had 10,000 come over the border, 10,000 come over the border, 12,000 – an all-time high – and to what Senator Thune said, Secretary Jeh Johnson under President Obama said 1,000 a day would be a crisis. We’re hitting 12 (12,000).” Britt urged Congress to address this situation finally. “We must secure our border for the safety and security of the American people,” Britt said. “I don’t want to sit across from another momma who lost their child to fentanyl poisoning. I don’t want to look out and see the travesty that occurs as a result of this. And at the end of the day, when we’re putting policies in place to ensure that we have national security, the first among all of these must be the border.” Conditions have worsened at the border, and now criminals and terrorists can slip in, disguised in the flood of people crossing the border. Britt continued, “Senator Graham asked the questions yesterday. He asked Director (Chris) Wray about this. This is the response. He said, ‘I’ve never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated all at exactly the same time.’ He followed up with, ‘I see blinking lights everywhere I turn.’ He said a heightened threat environment from foreign terrorist organizations for a whole host of reasons and obviously their ability to exploit any port of entry, including our southwest border.” “Senate Democrats and Joe Biden are putting the American people last,” Britt concluded. “We need to make sure we create deterrents. We need to make sure we create safety, and we must do more for the people here at home. They deserve it, and that is exactly what we are going to continue to fight for.” The press conference was led by Senator Graham and included Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), John Thune (R-North Dakota), Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), John Cornyn (R-Texas), and Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina). Katie Britt has made the southern border a point of emphasis since she joined the Senate eleven months ago. Since President Biden took office, there have been more than 8 million illegal crossings at the southern border, including more than 1.7 million known “gotaways.” Known border crossings totaled more than 242,000 last month, another record-setting high for November. Britt is the Ranking Member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee for the Senate Committee on Appropriations. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Katie Britt questions top bank about economic consequences of the Biden Administration’s Basel III Endgame Proposal

On Wednesday, U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) participated in a Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee hearing featuring testimony from the CEOs of the eight globally systemic banks (G-SIBs) in the United States. The witnesses were Charles Scharf of Wells Fargo, Brian Moynihan of Bank of America, Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase, Jane Fraser of Citigroup, Ronald Hanley of State Street, Robin Vince of BNY Mellon, David Solomon of Goldman Sachs, and James Gorman of Morgan Stanley. Britt asked Wells Fargo’s Scharf whether the Basel III Endgame proposed rule, recently issued jointly by three federal banking regulators, would affect lending at rural bank branches, especially given that over 42% of residents in Alabama live in rural areas. “Well, Senator, we are going to be commenting to the Federal Reserve,” Scharf said.“We do think there are a series of asset classes, when you look at the increases in capital that are proposed, [that] would affect both the availability of credit and the pricing of credit in the marketplace. And additionally, as we’ve seen in other asset classes when regulation like this has taken hold, you can see substantial migration outside of the regulated banking system.” Britt asked Bank of America’s Moynihan, “Briefly explain this trickle-down effect, and if your banks are squeezed by the requirements of this rule, what does this ultimately mean for maybe small business owners seeking a loan, a first-time home buyer, or a small financial institution in, let’s say Alabama?” Moynihan responded, “Thank you, Senator. As Mr. Scharf said, and we talked about a lot today, if you have the same capital requirements increase by 20 percent to do the exact same activities you did yesterday, you have to get a higher return, and that higher return will be borne by the customer base, or you’ll have to leave the business. And either one of those is not good for the customer base, and it applies across the board.” “In fact, the idea that this doesn’t trickle down through the banking system. Overall, we provide services to a lot of those smaller banks, and those costs of those services will go up to them,” Moynihan added. “And, so, it has much more of an impact than people think.” “Would it be an inaccurate statement for regulators to assume that under this threshold, those under the hundred-billion-dollar asset mark, they have said, you know, they won’t feel the impacts of this?” Britt asked. “So, my question for you is, will those institutions and people and things that I just mentioned under the hundred-billion-dollar [asset] mark, that are quote, “not affected by this,” will they feel the impacts of Basel III? Just if we can ‘yes’ or ‘no’ down the line.” Scharf replied, “Ultimately, yes.” Moynihan answered by nodding his head in affirmation. Dimon answered, “Absolutely. You provide a lot of services.” Fraser replied, “Yes. The trickle-down effect is real.” Hanley said, “Yes. It’s an integrated system.” Vince replied, “Yes, Senator, that’s likely.” Solomon said, “Yes, I agree.” Gorman answered, “Yes.” Britt asked, “And last but not least, if this rule is implemented as written, do we risk putting the United States banking sector at a global competitive disadvantage? Mrs. Fraser, do you mind answering that?” “Yes, we will,” answered Citigroup’s Fraser. “We already have an unlevel playing field with the European banks. The American banks play an incredibly important role globally in the financial system and ultimately affect the competitiveness of American companies. This is important.” The Biden administration wants to raise the reserve capital requirements on large banks. Critics of this move are concerned that that will lead to fewer dollars available economy-wide to borrowers meaning higher interest rates and fewer American families and businesses having access to credit. Vice Chair for Supervision of the Federal Reserve Michael Barr told the committee that he believed the proposed rule would have a “minimal impact on lending.” Britt questions the need for the new proposal and worries about there being a trickle-down effect from this tightened regulation. “Over the last year, we have seen a host of incredibly complex and market-altering rules come out of nearly every financial federal agency,” Britt said. “Interestingly, five of our top financial regulators sat before this very committee last month and unanimously told me that they believed the U.S. banking system to be strong, while at the same time, they argued for proposals that could fundamentally weaken it without providing any adequate answer to the question, ‘Why?’” “At the end of the day, the G-SIBs play a vital role in the U.S. economy, and I don’t want to diminish that,” Britt said. “However, I do want to focus on downstream. So, impacts on, let’s say, Alabama’s smaller financial institutions, small businesses across the country, those in manufacturing and energy sectors, individuals seeking maybe a short-term liquidity, to help pay their bills. I think the list of these potentially impacted goes on and on and on and on. And on this point, your banks have said that by raising capital requirements by nearly 20 percent, the proposal would ultimately limit access to capital across the board and undermine economic growth.” “The rule assumes that banks are significantly undercapitalized for operational risk but yet cites no evidence to support this assumption,” Britt said recently of the proposed rules change. “Not only are these risks already accounted for in stress testing, but the new standardized approach is not tailored to the varying business models of various banks. Katie Britt was elected to the Senate in 2022. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Tommy Tuberville dismisses reports Katie Britt influenced drop on military holds, likens U.S. Senate to a ‘cartel’

Appearing on the Dixon and Vining Show on Birmingham’s Talk 99.5 FM this morning with Richard Dixon and guest host Apryl Marie Fogel, Tommy Tuberville talked about a wide range of topics, focusing on what he described as the upcoming change in rules that resulted in his drop on military holds.  Tuberville told Dixon and Fogel that while he cannot claim a victory on his eleven-month-long effort to stop the Department of Defense from expanding access to abortions on U.S. military bases, he intends to continue the fight in the future. He explained the timing of his actions this week, which resulted in 425 nominations being confirmed, saying, “They changed the rules on me in the last couple of months.” He claimed to have had the votes with bipartisan support to leave it in the military budget that he anticipates passing next week to change the policy back to where it was before the DOD’s post-Supreme Court updates. Expressing his frustration, he said, “This is not a government. This is a cartel. This is run by the Democrats.” Before going on to say, “I don’t understand some of my Republican colleagues,” describing the process where they agreed with Chuck Schumer to change the 200-year-old rule to lift his hold before the budget came to a vote. As reported by Politico in early November, several Republican members of the Senate took to the floor to force Tuberville’s hand on confirming 60 nominees. That effort was led by Senator Dan Sullivan, who was joined by Joni Ernst of Iowa, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Todd Young of Indiana, and Mitt Romney of Utah. Tuberville stressed, “We fought hard. I’m not done. We’re going to continue to fight; looks like we’re gonna have to get President [Donald] Trump back in office, then we’ll get it changed back.” He is continuing his hold of 4-star generals. The interview continued with Fogel asking about a Punchbowl News story that has gained national attention saying that Alabama’s junior senator Katie Britt acted as an intermediary in the final negotiations that led to his release of the holds. Tuberville demurred, saying they had had a “couple of conversations.” He then pivoted quickly to credit his colleagues Mike Lee, Roger Marshall, and Rick Scott for supporting his efforts over the last eleven months. He said if he got a call from anyone else, it was, “Hey, we need to get this done. You know it could hurt the election next year; could hurt our possibilities of getting a senator or two.” Tuberville emphasized that elections weren’t his priority, saying, “That wasn’t my concern.” Tuberville wrapped up his response to the report that Britt had a pivotal role in negotiations to end his hold. He said, “I don’t know where that other information came from.”

Tommy Tuberville and Katie Britt demand Biden Administration protect children at border from traffickers

On Monday, U.S. Senators Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) and Katie Britt (R-Alabama) joined Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and 36 other Republican Senators in a letter calling on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to overhaul its policies regarding the treatment of unaccompanied alien children in the United States. Tuberville, Britt, and Grassley claim that ORR’s proposed rule – parts of which the agency is already enforcing – allows children to be placed in the custody of unvetted, potentially criminal sponsors and obstructs whistleblowers from reporting to Congress on abuse in the program. Tuberville, Britt, Grassley, and fellow Republicans are demanding that ORR rewrite its policies or face congressional action to overturn the finalized rule. “This Administration continues to turn a blind eye to the tragic human costs of its reckless agenda,” stated Sen. Britt in a statement. “The reality is that President [Joe] Biden’s border policies are anything but compassionate. Every single day, untold numbers of vulnerable children are being trafficked and recycled across our porous southern border. These innocent girls and boys are not living the American Dream – they’re facing an American nightmare. Meanwhile, women and men continue to be viciously trafficked by the cartels, and American families and communities continue to be devastated by the deadly fentanyl flowing into our nation. Enough is enough. It is past time to end this unprecedented humanitarian and national security crisis. Yet again, my Senate Republican colleagues and I are offering commonsense solutions to do just that.” “This Proposed Rule ignores nearly seven years of oversight conducted by Congress and the Office of Inspector General and reveals chronic foot-dragging—if not total reluctance—when it comes to protecting vulnerable children,” the Senators wrote. “It provides ample protections to government bureaucrats at the expense of children. Even more concerning, ‘the requirements being [adopted] in this proposed rule are already enforced by [the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)].’” “…ORR does not even consider a sponsor’s criminal record, current illegal drug use, history of abuse or neglect, or other child welfare concerns ‘necessarily disqualifying to potential sponsorship.’…  In effect, ORR accepts a sponsor’s representations almost entirely on face value,” the senators continued. “ORR’s Proposed Rule abdicates the agency’s responsibility for protecting the vulnerable children in its custody from harmful behavior by poorly vetted, potential criminals. For these services, the taxpayer paid ORR $5.5 billion in FY2022. The Proposed Rule is wholly unworkable and ORR should discard it and its current practices. If not, Congress will have no choice but to introduce a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act,” the senators concluded. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Katie Britt, Tommy Tuberville and colleagues urge Biden administration to enforce sanctions on Iranian steel

On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) announced that last week she and Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) had joined 29 of their Senate Republican colleagues in a letter to President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urging the Treasury Department to enforce existing sanctions on Iranian steel. “The Biden Administration must reimpose a comprehensive, bone-crushing sanctions enforcement regime on Iran and its terror proxies,” stated Senator Britt. “As this Administration continues down a dangerous, misguided path of appeasement, it only endangers our national security and emboldens our adversaries across the globe. It is past time to achieve peace through unrelenting strength.” In the letter, the Senators express the importance of “proactively and continuously” enforcing sanctions and the detrimental consequences of ineffective – or willfully negligent – enforcement. Iran is one of the largest steel-producing countries in the world, with the industry generating significant funds via exports. “In 2020, the United States sanctioned Iran’s metals industries and steel producers, massively impacting their exports in 2021,” the Sens. wrote. “The enforcement of these sanctions decreased Iranian steel exports from 9 million metric tons in 2020 to 4.2 million tons in 2021,” wrote the Senators. “However, Iranian steel exports rebounded to 10 million tons in 2022. This correlates to the United States reengaging with Iran to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), along with a decrease in enforcement of existing sanctions by the Treasury Department.” “We write to you just weeks after our nation’s great ally was suddenly and barbarically attacked by Hamas terrorists—proxies funded, trained, and equipped by the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the Sens wrote. “The pure evil inflicted on the Israeli people on October 7, 2023, will live in infamy as one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in world history.” “Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism across the globe, and its stated objective is to wipe Israel off the face of the planet,” the Sens. continued. “It is estimated that Iran provides $700 million dollars annually to Hezbollah and $350 million annually to Hamas. Additionally, Iranian-backed terrorist proxies in Syria and Iraq have received substantial new financial support, including double-digit percentage increases to the salaries paid to affiliated individuals this year alone.” “Steel is one of Iran’s most lucrative export markets,” the Sens. explained. “The World Steel Association announced in September 2023 that Iran is the 10th largest steel producer in the world. In 2020, the United States sanctioned Iran’s metals industries and steel producers, massively impacting their exports in 2021. The enforcement of these sanctions decreased Iranian steel exports from 9 million metric tons in 2020 to 4.2 million tons in 2021. However, Iranian steel exports rebounded to 10 million tons in 2022. This correlates to the United States reengaging with Iran to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), along with a decrease in enforcement of existing sanctions by the Treasury Department.” We urge your Administration to enforce all Iran-related sanctions at your disposal, to include secondary sanctions on other countries who seek economic engagement with Iran. We owe it to the innocent children, women, and men who were savagely beaten, raped, tortured, and killed on October 7, 2023.” Iran funds terror groups in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, and other places. Those Iranian-backed militia groups have, in recent weeks, attacked American armed forces as well as the Israelis. The U.S. Navy destroyer Carney was recently attacked in the Red Sea by drones launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen. While the Ayatollah has consistently used the harshest rhetoric possible about war with the United States and Israel, the Biden administration has avoided taking sterner stances with the country. Republican critics argue that the Biden Administration’s payment of six billion dollars to Iran in exchange for prisoners only emboldened the regime by showing weakness. Katie Britt was elected to the Senate in 2022. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Katie Britt leads legislation to limit federal oversight into state-regulated insurance industry

On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) led 16 of her Senate colleagues in introducing the Insurance Data Protection Act. This legislation would overrule a recent effort by the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) to step into the state-regulated insurance industry, including its proposed “Climate-Related Financial Risk Data Collection.”  Britt said that the bill would eliminate the FIO Director’s subpoena authority. For over a century, the insurance industry was regulated by the states. That changed somewhat when the FIO was created in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. That Obama-era legislation does include an explicit provision stating that the Office does not have general supervisory or regulatory authority over the insurance business, which is supervised and regulated on a state-by-state basis across the United States. Senator Britt’s legislation clarifies that FIO does not need subpoena power since it is intended to function as an informational body. The bill would also require that the FIO coordinate any data collection efforts with state insurance regulators and assess all publicly available data and sources regarding the data being sought. These provisions would limit unnecessary data inquiries and prevent duplicative efforts across the state and federal landscapes. The bill would also set forth confidentiality procedures and requirements governing how data can be used by financial regulators if collected from insurers. This would ensure consumers’ information remains secure. “Our state insurance regulators have more than proven their ability to effectively and responsibly supervise the American insurance industry for over a century,” said Senator Britt. “FIO should work with, not around, state insurance officials. Not only is FIO overstepping its lawful authority and trampling on Congressional intent, but the office is also utilizing private insurance data to advance the Biden Administration’s leftwing Green New Deal agenda. This commonsense legislation would ensure the state-regulated insurance market remains strong, prevent redundant and unnecessary data reporting that would needlessly cost millions of dollars, and protect consumers’ sensitive information.” This legislation has been cosponsored by Senate Banking Committee Ranking Member Tim Scott (R-South Carolina). “As a former insurance agent, I know firsthand the importance of our state-based insurance regulation regime that has resulted in highly competitive and fair markets across the country – addressing local issues with local solutions,” said Sen. Scott. “That’s why I’ve been alarmed by the Federal Insurance Office’s (FIO) efforts to overstep its authority and push the Biden administration’s radical climate agenda. This important bill will reign in the administration’s climate activists, ensure greater coordination between FIO and state insurance regulators, and protect both consumers’ and insurers’ data.” Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), John Boozman (R-Arkansas), Ted Budd (R-North Carolina), Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Steve Daines (R-Montana), Bill Hagerty (R-Tennessee), John Kennedy (R-Louisiana), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyoming), Pete Ricketts (R-Nebraska), Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota), John Thune (R-South Dakota), Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina), and J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) have all signed on to cosponsor the legislation. The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC), American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA), Association for Independent Agents (Big I), and Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) have endorsed this legislation. FIO is an office within the Treasury Department created by Dodd-Frank to monitor the insurance sector and help provide information to policymakers and state regulators, as needed, without regulatory authority. The climate risk assessments the FIO is collecting were requested in the President’s climate executive order and would require over 200 private insurance companies (over 70% of the homeowners’ insurance market) to provide to FIO highly-detailed data (broken down by zip code) regarding the effect of climate-related catastrophes on insurance availability and affordability for Americans. On November 1st, the Treasury announced its intention to move ahead with this data call. “Americans are facing growing challenges from extreme weather events caused by climate change,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement about the FIO collection project. “The resulting data and analyses will help policymakers inform potential approaches to improving insurance availability and affordability for consumers.” While federal officials continue pushing for more detailed climate data from insurers, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) emphasizes climate concerns during its annual fall meeting. The Climate and Resiliency Task Force is expected to adopt a National Climate Resilience Strategy for Insurance to stabilize the insurance market. “It’s part of our overarching mission to manage risks, ensure the availability and reliability of insurance products, promote insurer solvency, and close protection gaps,” the strategy reads. “Our work to identify, assess, and communicate risk and risk reduction solutions, as well as to improve oversight of the insurance sector, has positioned state insurance regulators to implement a climate resilience strategy.” Katie Britt is a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Katie Britt, Marsha Blackburn, and Senate colleagues introduce bill to combat child recycling

U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) recently joined Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) and 16 of their Senate Republican colleagues in introducing the Preventing the Recycling of Immigrants is Necessary for Trafficking Suspension (PRINTS) Act. This legislation is aimed at combatting human trafficking and child recycling by giving U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) the authority to fingerprint non-citizens under the age of 14. The bill would require the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to publicly report the number of apprehensions in a given month involving child traffickers who falsely claimed that an accompanying child was a relative and submit an annual report to Congress identifying the number of minors who were fingerprinted pursuant to this Act. The PRINTS Act removes the Attorney General’s authority to waive fingerprinting requirements for those illegally crossing the southern border and criminalizes child recycling. “This Administration continues to turn a blind eye to the tragic human costs of its reckless agenda,” stated Senator Britt. “The reality is that President Biden’s border policies are anything but compassionate. Every single day, untold numbers of vulnerable children are being trafficked and recycled across our porous southern border. These innocent girls and boys are not living the American Dream – they’re facing an American nightmare. Meanwhile, women and men continue to be viciously trafficked by the cartels, and American families and communities continue to be devastated by the deadly fentanyl flowing into our nation. Enough is enough. It is past time to end this unprecedented humanitarian and national security crisis. Yet again, my Senate Republican colleagues and I are offering commonsense solutions to do just that.” “Under President Biden’s open border policies, we are witnessing a devastating humanitarian crisis, and children are the primary victims,” said Senator Blackburn. “Abusing and using a child again and again is one of the most heinous acts imaginable, and yet it happens every day along the southern border. Empowering border patrol agents to fingerprint non-citizens under the age of 14 would give them the tools they need to identify victims of child recycling and stop this abuse in its tracks. Given that the Biden administration just carelessly lost track of 85,000 migrant children, passing this legislation could not be more critical.” One in every three human trafficking victims is a child. The Washington Times reported that in 2019, ICE identified 600 children who were “recycled,” with one child being brought across the border as many as eight different times. According to recent reporting by the New York Times, the Department of Health and Human Services has lost track of over 85,000 children released to sponsors, potentially subjecting these children to exploitation, abuse, and force. Despite these statistics, current DHS regulations and federal law prohibit Border Patrol agents from fingerprinting children under the age of 14. Earlier this year, during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies hearing, Senator Britt questioned Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra about the Administration’s reckless policies regarding the treatment of unaccompanied migrant children. Katie Britt is the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

U.S. Senator Katie Britt calls for Senate passage of SHIP Act

U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) released a statement on Thursday urging the United States Senate to take up and pass the bipartisan Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum (SHIP) Act. This legislation would sanction illicit purchases of Iranian oil and hold the regime’s enablers accountable. Iranian oil sales to China continue to fund the Ayatollah’s ability to repress Iranian protestors and finance its terrorist proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis in Yemen. Sen. Britt recently joined Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) and 27 of their Senate colleagues in introducing the Senate version of the SHIP Act. The U.S. House of Representatives already passed the companion version of the bill in an overwhelming bipartisan 342 to 69 vote earlier this month. “It is simply common sense to hold accountable the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism for financing barbaric atrocities that kill Americans and our allies. However, the Biden Administration continues its dangerous strategy of appeasement to the grave detriment of our national security both here at home and abroad,” said Sen. Britt. “Since President [Joe] Biden took office, Iran has profited nearly $80 billion from oil sales alone, enhancing the ability of the regime in Tehran to fund more terrorism against innocent children, women, and men. The only pathway to peace is through unwavering American strength. I’m glad to see the U.S. House pass this important legislation in a bipartisan manner, and I urge Senator [Chuck] Schumer to bring the Senate version to the floor for consideration with all due haste.” “Our nation’s foreign adversaries must know they will face consequences for empowering other regimes that are anti-democratic and anti-American,” said Sen. Rubio. “We must enact and then rigorously enforce this bill so that those who are enriching themselves through the sale of sanctioned oil, or linked with its illicit trade, are held accountable.” Intelligence officials widely believe Iran is funding the Hamas war against Israel and is encouraging its proxies in Syria to launch attacks on U.S. troops deployed there. Katie Britt was elected to the Senate in 20222. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.

Carl, Tuberville, and Britt offer condolences for Rosalynn Carter

On Sunday, the Carter Center announced that former First Lady Rosalynn Carter had died. She was 96. Congressman Jerry Carl (R-AL01) said on the social media site X: “Tina and I are thinking of and praying for President Jimmy Carter, plus the many family and friends of First Lady Rosalynn Carter. May she rest in peace.” U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) said on X: “First Lady Rosalynn Carter dedicated her life to service – particularly as a mental health advocate. Much of her work shapes how we address today’s mental health crisis. My prayers go out to President Carter and the Carter family.” U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Alabama) said on X: “Rosalynn Carter lived an incredible life that was wholeheartedly devoted to serving others. She leaves behind a legacy of grace, grit, and goodwill. Our thoughts and prayers are with President Carter and their loved ones.” She is survived by former President Jimmy Carter. President Carter served as President from 1977 to 1981. Carter, at age 99, is the longest-lived President in American history. The former President has been in hospice care for the past several months. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden released a statement on the Passing of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter. “First Lady Rosalynn Carter walked her own path, inspiring a nation and the world along the way,” the Bidens wrote. “Throughout her incredible life as First Lady of Georgia and the First Lady of the United States, Rosalynn did so much to address many of society’s greatest needs. She was a champion for equal rights and opportunities for women and girls; an advocate for mental health and wellness for every person; and a supporter of the often unseen and uncompensated caregivers of our children, aging loved ones, and people with disabilities.” “Above all, the deep love shared between Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter is the definition of partnership, and their humble leadership is the definition of patriotism,” the Bidens continued. “She lived her life by her faith. Time and time again, during the more than four decades of our friendship – through rigors of campaigns, through the darkness of deep and profound loss – we always felt the hope, warmth, and optimism of Rosalynn Carter. She will always be in our hearts. On behalf of a grateful nation, we send our love to President Carter, the entire Carter family, and the countless people across our nation and the world whose lives are better, fuller, and brighter because of the life and legacy of Rosalynn Carter. May God bless our dear friend. May God bless a great American.” To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com.